I ran 4 miles today after taking a whole week off completely. I'll be heading to the mall soon to get those new shoes that I need so desperately and in the meantime I decided my feet needed a break. The top of my foot still hurts a bit even after all this time. I'm going to try to soak my feet in ice water after my runs to see if that helps at all. I find the ice water to be extremely painful and hate it!
The run today was a treadmill run. Tropical Storm Fay is blowing through this week and she forced me onto the belt! Did a nice, easy run.
I don't think I'm going to be ready for my 5k next Saturday that's on the calendar. I had to skip the last one! I'm not too happy about it all but I really need to listen to poor, neglected body!
God is good...I still have a body to listen to, eh?