Ran the Jingle Bell 5k in Inverness today. It was nice and cool but the sun was shining enough to get a big sweat going!
3 Gandees ran this race today: Me, Daniel(14) and Jaret(11)
Jaret did a great job on this tough course with a time of 27:05. He has only been running steadily for 2 weeks for this race. He did awesome!
Daniel was 1st place in his age group and had a good time with his cross country buddies.(and he refuses to let me get any pictures!!)
I was the 3rd overall female to come in and also the first female over 40 to come in so that means I was the Master Female Winner. Yippee! This was my course record at 22:32.
Mom and Jaret

Some friends...
One of my faithful running partners, tina.

Connie and Brooke
Joanne and Connie
Jacqueline...Kerri...Chloe! We missed you!