Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I See a Trend

Ok, I'm no genius. But, according to my calculations it's been a week since I've gone out for a decent run...and it's not really hard to see why.

I think it's because I stay up too late reading other blogs (but they're so good!), Pinning on Pinterest (which is a nasty trick of Satan's) and just plain wasting time on Facebook.

It's got to stop, because I can't win races without actually running. This past Saturday I did NOT race the Blessings in Backpack 5k. I'm going to stop posting about the runs I'm planning because when I do that...I don't run them!
I see a trend.

With that said. I will be getting up early in the morning and I will go for a run.

I'll keep you posted:)

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